Goo Hara’s boyfriend reveals the severity of her scratches on his face

Goo Hara is popular with people who are old Kara’s members. But recently, Goo Hara’s assault on Goo Hara’s boyfriend happened.

Goo hara is 28 years old, born in 1991.

Recently, Goo Hara was investigated on September 13, 2018, during a conversation with his boyfriend at his home in Gangnam-gu, Seoul.

Goo Hara says his boyfriend assaulted his boyfriend to end his relationship

According to the police, Goo Hara says he has twisted his arm and acted as a crook, and his boyfriend is a hair designer of the same age as Goo Hara.

The boyfriend was more controversial when he told the police himself that he had been assaulted by Goo Hara

The image of Goo Hara also predicts a considerable blow

Police said Goo Hara and her boyfriend will be investigated as soon as possible.

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